Join PRUsAP in 2025, for our next sector conference.
Our day includes keynotes from:
Sarah Johnson, President of PRUsAP
Tom Sutton, Department for Education
Dave Euridge, CEO Inclusive Education Trust
Contributors from the AP Research Network
And a programme of workshops:
PE in a box - Youth Sports Trust and WAVE Academy Trust
What makes Outstanding in AP? - Bolton Impact and Wey Valley College
The Lazzi Approach to AP - Solihull AP Academy Trust
The positive impact of upskilling mainstream partners in better understanding behaviour - Bridge Academy (Milton Keynes)
The positive impact of upskilling mainstream partners in better understanding behaviour
With further workshops to be confirmed from NSPCC & Life Skills, NAHE, Maudsley & Bethlem Hospital School, and Haringey Learning Partnership
You can also join us after the conference for our awards evening where we celebrate the achievements of those working with and for PRUs and Alternative Provisions. Tickets are strictly limited for the dinner and the conference, so we strongly recommend buying early so as not to miss out.